Newport Parish Council – D Day 80 Celebrations and Commemoration

Dress the House and Gardens Scarecrow Competion.

To celebrate the 80th Anniversary of D Day and the Battle of Normandy on the 6th June 2024.

Judging will take place on the morning of 6th June. Please see the information on the link below.

St Stephens Church Bells for Peace

On Behalf of St Stephens Church The Parochial Church Council would like to invite residents to A Commemoration Event to Remember D-Day. On the 6th Day of the 6th month at 6pm we will be ringing the Bells as part of the 80th Commemoration activities and we would like to invite you to join us in raising a glass to the men and women who took part in this monumental task from our community. You are invited to attend from 5.30 onwards. Please see the information on the link below.

Newport Parish Council will be flying a new flag to commemorate D Day 80 on the Meadow Lane Flag Pole and displaying Lamp Post signs (Produced by the Royal British Legion) in the middle of the village. Support is being provided for activities being undertaken at St Stephens Church and Newport Primary School.

Newport Parish Council would like to acknowledge the support of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council D-Day 80 Community Fund.