East Riding of Yorkshire Council Contacts

East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Telephone: 01482 393939
Website: www.eastriding.gov.uk

Adult Services

For advice and enquiries in relation to adult social care.

To submit any concerns about a vulnerable adult please use the on-line link at


Bus Routes

Please go to www.eastriding.gov.uk/…/local-bus-service-timetables

Children’s Services

To access advice and support in relation to children and young people, including fostering and adoption and how to access the Families information Service Hub (FISH).


For concerns about a child or young person who might be at risk of harm, neglect or abuse please contact the Early Help and Safeguarding Hub to discuss your concerns and access advice.


Council Tax

For all enquiries in relation to council tax payments and rates applicable.


Democratic Services

For information in relation to meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees.


Education Services

To make an application for a school place or a transfer to a new school for your child, eligibility for school transport, specialist advice on education, health and care plans for pupils with additional needs and school exclusions.


Electoral Services

To register to vote in local and national elections and to notify the Council of changes in personal circumstances.


Hedges and Vegetation

To report a hedge or other vegetation encroaching onto a public highway.

Housing Services

For enquiries in relation to tenants’ arrears, making an application for accommodation or a transfer to a different property, repairs/maintenance and anti-social behaviour.



To search for your local library and find out about local social groups and other events in the East Riding.


East Riding Council Pest Control

To access help and advice in relation to wasps nests or other pest related infestation – Telephone 07794 493961

Planning Services

To apply for planning permission, obtain advice in relation to building regulations and tree preservation orders and to submit comments in relation to local applications.


Refuse Collection

For all enquires in relation to refuse collection and recycling.


Roads, Streets, Traffic and Parking

To report a problem or access advice go to


Street Lighting

To report faulty street lighting or other issues relating to traffic lights.


Walking in the East Riding of Yorkshire

To access information about local walks.
