Newport Cemetery

Newport Parish Council is responsible for the management of Newport Cemetery,

To contact the Clerk and Responsible Officer, please use the Contact Us section of the website or Email

Residents of Gilberdyke Parish

The Gilberdyke Parish Council Meeting minutes of 13.06.22 (Published 26.08.22) provide confirmation regarding the withdrawal of funding from Gilberdyke Parish Council towards the Newport Cemetery costs.

Gilberdyke Parish Council have been informed of the impact of withdrawing the annual contribution and accept that an increase in charges (To the standard scale of charges) will need to be made for residents of Gilberdyke.

Following the decision of Gilberdyke Parish Council not to pay the Cemetery maintenance contribution of £1,700, Cllrs resolved that Gilberdyke residents will need to be charged the standard fee rather than the reduced fee with effect from 13th September 2022.