Pension Credits and the Winter Fuel Payment

Pension Credit tops up weekly income to a guaranteed minimum level of £218.15 a week for single pensioners or £332.95 for couples.

Residents who receive Pension Credit may also be eligible for a range of other benefits, such as help with housing costs, council tax, and heating bills.

Additionally, those aged 75 or over who receive Pension Credit qualify for a free TV Licence.

The Department for Work and Pensions estimates that up to 850,000 pensioner households across the country may be eligible for Pension Credit but do not claim it.

It says that “some pensioners think because they’ve got savings or own their home they would not get any Pension Credit.”

It also says that other barriers where pensioners may wrongly think they are not eligible include:

  • They may be working
  • They may be getting a small occupational pension
  • They may have been turned down in the past

You can use the Pension Credit Calculator to find out how much Pension Credit you or a loved one may be entitled to.

More information is also available via The Pension Service, on 0800 99 1234.

More information is also available via the following link.

Newport Parish Council Meeting

The next Newport Parish Council meeting is at Newport Primary School (The Hall entrance) at 7pm on Tuesday 10th September 2024 – all village residents are welcome. Access to the meeting room is through the main gate on the Village Hall side of the school and to the rear of the building.    

Public Forum – The Public Forum will commence at 7.00pm. The period designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public may only speak once and for no longer than 3 minutes

Vandalism at the Main Road Play Area Newport

Humberside Police and Newport Parish Council are seeking information with regards to criminal damage at the Main Road Play Area.

Over the last week 3 pieces of expensive safety surface have been removed, with the latest 2 pieces removed on Monday 26th August 2024.

If you have any information with regards to these incidents please contact Humberside Police by calling 101 (Ref 24000122958) or Email

ERYC – Council Tax Support Consultation

ERYC has undertaken a Review Panel enquiry into its Council Tax Support scheme.

As a result, the Review Panel has made 9 recommendations, which include a proposal to change the Council Tax support scheme. Any change to a Council Tax Support scheme requires public consultation.

At it’s meeting on 24 July 2024, Full Council endorsed the recommendations of the Review Panel and as a result, the Council has now launched its consultation.

Please may I take this opportunity to make you aware that the Consultation is live and that both the Parish Council and your residents can submit responses.

The Consultation can be found at:

The Council wants as many people as possible to submit their views and therefore encourages anyone who wants to take part, to complete the questions in the Consultation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Patrick Woodhead

Programme Manager

Newport Parish Council – Main Road Play Area Development

Following the purchase of land to the Main Road side of the current Play Area from the Environment Agency, Newport Parish Council are planning the further development of the Play Area and Village Green. The plan is to significantly increase the size of the Play Area and include 3 new pieces of equipment.

As the cost of the project will be in excess of £25,000 Newport Parish Council are inviting competitive tenders for the work. The tender document is available via the link below.

Newport Parish Council are advertising our intention to undertake the project work locally and nationally, so contractors/suppliers may offer their services and bid for the work. The tender will also be advertised on the Contract Finder website and Social media.

Residents are invited to make further suggestions on the equipment they would like to see in the play area. Currently we are considering a Teen Multi Play unit, an Inclusive Roundabout and a Cone Climber (Witches Hat) in addition to the existing equipment.

You are invited to provide feedback via Facebook messenger ( ) or by Email to Please can any further comments be submitted by 23rd August 2024.


More properties than ever are at risk of flooding. If your home is among them, it can pay to take steps to protect it and minimise damage.

According to the Environment Agency over 2 million properties in England are at risk from flooding from rivers, seas and surface water.

Rising sea levels and more frequent rain storms caused by climate change are only set to exacerbate the problem.

But there’s lots you can do to help protect your property.

Key points

  • You can find out online if you live in an area at-risk from flooding. Knowing the risks for your home can make you better prepared
  • Sign up for flood alerts so you can take action in time if a flood is likely
  • There’s lots you can do to make your home more resilient to flooding, including installing flood boards at doors and windows


Find out if you live in an at-risk area

You can find out if the area you live in is at long-term risk of flooding by keying in your postcode at: for England for Scotland for Wales for Northern Ireland

You can also check these government sites for live flood warnings, river, sea, groundwater and rainfall levels.

Sign up for flood warnings

Be sure you’re aware of any forthcoming floods by signing up for free to get flood warnings in EnglandScotland or Wales.

You’ll need to provide your address, plus how you’d like to be contacted any time of the day or night – whether by phone, text or email.

You can also call Floodline 0345 988 1188 – a 24 hour service for flood warning information and general advice.

Move treasured possessions to a safe place

Photo albums and personal mementoes that can’t be replaced should be moved somewhere safe or upstairs. Don’t wait until a flood is happening to move them as it may be too late or too dangerous.

Write up a personal flood plan

  • Agree a plan as to where you will go in the event of having to leave your home plus who might be able to help you and who may be in need of your help.
  • Check with your council if pets are allowed at evacuation centres – most allow them, but it’s best to be sure.
  • Know where to get hold of sandbags.
  • Make a list of what you’d need to move in the event of a flood (things like your car, furniture and so on) and where you’d move them to.
  • Know in advance how and where you can shut off your electric, water and gas supply.

Prepare a ‘flood kit’ in the event of evacuation

This should be kept in a safe place and can include things like:

  • Contact numbers for your local authority emergency helpline, home insurance company 24-hour number and policy number, neighbours, local police station, gas, electricity and water supplier numbers.
  • Warm, waterproof clothing and blankets, water, food, essential medication, gloves, wellingtons, a torch, baby food and baby care items, pet food and pet carriers.

If a flood is expected in your area:

  • Move furniture and electrical equipment, plus sentimental items and important documents to safety indoors. Move your car away from risk.
  • Take up rugs and carpets if you can. Remove curtains or drape them high up over their rods.
  • Turn off electricity, gas and water supplies.
  • Put sandbags in place and fix flood boards to doors.


If your home is at risk of flooding there’s lots you can put in place to help protect it and make it more resilient to damage.

Flood protection equipment that can help includes:

Flood boards

These can be fixed to your doors and windows when a flood warning is in place.

Plastic covers for air bricks

These will seal air bricks to prevent water from entering your property.


Check if your local authority has these ready to send out at times of flooding and if they charge for this service. Alternatively, buy your own at DIY or building supply stores.

Making a few home improvements could mean less damage and an easier, and cheaper, clean-up too:

  • Lay ceramic tiles instead of carpets on floors.
  • Move electrical sockets to at least 1.5 metres up the wall.
  • Fit non-return valves to drains and water inlet pipes.
  • Fit a boiler upstairs or high above ground level.


In the event of a severe flood warning, there can be danger to life so you’ll need to be prepared to act swiftly and calmly.

  • Keep yourself and your family safe. Your first priority should be safety. Get to a safe place with a means of escape, away from flood water. Be ready to leave your home. Follow the advice of the emergency services.
  • Stay within or leave your home if you’re told so. If evacuated, you will be taken to an evacuation centre run by your local council.
  • If in imminent danger, call 999 for the emergency services.


When you’re sure it’s safe to return to your home after a flood, take care when entering as there may be hidden dangers in floodwater such as sharp objects and sewage pollution.

If your supply hasn’t been switched off at the mains, do not on any account touch sources of electricity when standing in flood water. Get a qualified electrician to come to the property to switch off the power.


In many cases, your insurance company can pay for professional help to clean up your property.

The clean up will usually involve:

  • Pumping out water from your home using a generator
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the property. Avid high pressure hoses as they can blast contaminated particles into the air.
  • Drying out the property with dehumidifiers.
  • Local councils can supply skips and advise you on disposal of sandbags as they may need to be treated as contaminated waste.


According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), insurers paid out almost £500 million in storm damage claims last year, and the average claim payout is around £30,000.

That’s a staggering amount of money to stump up if you were affected by flooding, so it’s wise to ensure that you take out a home insurance policy to cover your home and contents.

Check how much your policy covers you for flooding, if the policy replaces your items new for old, and if it has a limit on repairs.

Making a claim

You should inform your insurer about flooding as soon as possible.

They’ll let you know whether you should clean the property or if they will send professionals to do that for you.

Many policies also cover the cost of temporary accommodation where you can stay while clean-up and repairs are underway. This could be in a B&B or rented property.

Your insurance provider will send a loss adjuster to your property to inspect the damage and to confirm what repairs and replacements will be covered by your policy.

Keep a record of flood damage for future reference.

  • Mark the height of flood waters on the walls in every room affected.
  • Photograph or video all damage to your home and contents.
  • List all parts of the property and contents damaged and, if your policy covers it, all food spoilt too.

Even if you live in an area at risk of flood or have made a flood claim in the past, it should still be possible to get reasonably priced insurance thanks to the Flood Re scheme. Under the scheme, your insurer pays out if you make a valid claim for flood damage, but it can then claim back a proportion of the money from the Flood Re fund. This reduces the insurer’s financial risk, so it can offer you cheaper cover.

Newport Parish Council Meeting

The next Newport Parish Council meeting is at Newport Primary School (The Hall entrance) at 7pm on Tuesday 9th July 2024 – all village residents are welcome. Access to the meeting room is through the main gate on the Village Hall side of the school and to the rear of the building.    

Public Forum – The Public Forum will commence at 7.00pm. The period designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public may only speak once and for no longer than 3 minutes

Newport Parish Council – Main Road Play Area Development

Following the purchase of land to the Main Road side of the current Play Area from the Environment Agency, Newport Parish Council are planning the further development of the Play Area and Village Green. The plan is to significantly increase the size of the Play Area and include 3 new pieces of equipment. Residents are invited to make suggestions on the equipment they would like to see in the play area. Currently we are considering a Teen Multi Play unit, an Inclusive Roundabout and a Cone Climber (Witches Hat) in addition to the existing equipment.

You are invited to provide feedback via Facebook messenger ( ) or by Email to Please can any comments be submitted by Tues 9th July 2024.

Newport Parish Council – D Day 80 Celebrations and Commemoration

Dress the House and Gardens Scarecrow Competion.

To celebrate the 80th Anniversary of D Day and the Battle of Normandy on the 6th June 2024.

Judging will take place on the morning of 6th June. Please see the information on the link below.

St Stephens Church Bells for Peace

On Behalf of St Stephens Church The Parochial Church Council would like to invite residents to A Commemoration Event to Remember D-Day. On the 6th Day of the 6th month at 6pm we will be ringing the Bells as part of the 80th Commemoration activities and we would like to invite you to join us in raising a glass to the men and women who took part in this monumental task from our community. You are invited to attend from 5.30 onwards. Please see the information on the link below.

Newport Parish Council will be flying a new flag to commemorate D Day 80 on the Meadow Lane Flag Pole and displaying Lamp Post signs (Produced by the Royal British Legion) in the middle of the village. Support is being provided for activities being undertaken at St Stephens Church and Newport Primary School.

Newport Parish Council would like to acknowledge the support of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council D-Day 80 Community Fund.