Newport Parish Council Meeting

The next Newport Parish Council meeting is at Newport Primary School (The Hall entrance) at 7pm on Tuesday 14th January 2025 – all village residents are welcome. Access to the meeting room is through the main gate on the Village Hall side of the school and to the rear of the building.    

Public Forum – The Public Forum will commence at 7.00pm. The period designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public may only speak once and for no longer than 3 minutes.

The Agenda is available via the following link.

Newport Parish Council – Christmas Lights 2024

The Newport Christmas Lights switch on will take place on Friday 29th November 2024. Newport Primary School will lead the Carol singing from 6.30pm at the Christmas Tree adjacent to the Market Weighton Canal with the lights switch on at 7pm

Residents are encouraged to arrive from 6.15pm. Local businesses are invited to participate on the day. The Kings Arms would like to welcome all for refreshments and festive music post switch on.

Santa will join us on the evening.


The David Scott charity can contribute towards heating costs for local over 80s

Applicants must be resident in Newport.

Applicants must be aged 80 or over by 01/12/2024.

 Applicants must live independently or with a spouse or partner.

Only one grant per household is payable.

Grant amount depends on number of applicants
For more information contact 
Clerk to the TrusteesTel: 01430 449180

New applications must be made by 30th NOV 2024

Newport Parish Council – Christmas Lights 2024

The Newport Christmas Lights switch on will take place on Friday 29th November 2024. Newport Primary School will lead the Carol singing from 6.30pm at the Christmas Tree adjacent to the Market Weighton Canal with the lights switch on at 7pm

Local businesses are invited to participate on the day.

Santa will join us on the evening.

Newport Parish Council Meeting

The next Newport Parish Council meeting is at Newport Primary School (The Hall entrance) at 7pm on Tuesday 12th November 2024 – all village residents are welcome. Access to the meeting room is through the main gate on the Village Hall side of the school and to the rear of the building.    

Prior to the meeting, from 6.30pm Philip Lovel (Lovel Developments) and Jason Tait MRTPI Director, will be available to provide information with regards to the submitted plans for the Land North and East of Skilbeck Farm – Land at J38 Newport. All Cllrs, Ward Cllrs and any interested residents are invited to attend.

Public Forum – The Public Forum will commence at 7.00pm. The period designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public may only speak once and for no longer than 3 minutes.

The Agenda is available via the following link.

East Riding Draft Design Code Consultation Monday 21st October – Monday 2nd December 2024

East Riding of Yorkshire Council are consulting on a Draft East Riding Design Code and inviting your comments.

Draft Design Code consultation (

The Draft East Riding Design Code aims to encourage the creation of connected, distinctive and inclusive places that are walkable, green, and sustainable while taking into consideration their context: the built environment and the landscape.

The council previously conducted a period of public and stakeholder consultation in late 2023 and early 2024 on a draft version of the design code. Changes to the 2023 draft code have been made based on the feedback received during that consultation.

How to view and comment on the documents

During the consultation period, the Draft East Riding Design Code, the Draft Compliance Checklist, the Draft Allocations Place Types and supporting documents will be available online at for viewing and downloading. Alternatively, you can find a printed version of the document in all libraries and customer service centres in the East Riding, where you can make a copy of the response form.

To have your say on the draft document please complete the survey online at before Monday 2nd December.

For any questions about the consultation please contact

Comments will be made available on the council website in due course. The council only redacts personal data with respect to email addresses, telephone numbers and signatures. To ensure we can log all responses and keep you informed of progress on the Local Plan and related documents, your details will be retained and used in accordance with our privacy notice, available to read at:

Following the consultation period, the feedback will be collated and reviewed. Where appropriate, changes will be made to the draft document prior to adoption of the document. It is anticipated that the Design Code SPD will be adopted in early 2025.

ERYC – Supporting Local Communities

Rural Matters have asked Newport Parish Council to raise awareness about their work in championing rural issues.

Please see the new landing-page for the Website.

The organisation is keen that rural residents, businesses and organisations involved in rural development access and make full use of the Website and help to support rural communities. Newport Residents are encouraged to get involve

Building Work at The Health Centre, Gilberdyke

Work will start on creating additional consulting rooms from Monday 7th October.

The builders will be on site from that date, with the front entrance being blocked off. There will be an alternative patient entrance around the back of the Surgery, with diversion signs in place.

Parking, which has always been limited, may be even more so during this period. The Health Centre will do their upmost to keep disruption to a minimum for staff as well as patients.

The NHS will partly fund the project but the essential equipment for these rooms will have to be funded by kind donations and fund raising.

The Health Centre Staff thank you for your patience and understanding.

A link to the Health Centre Website is available below.

Horse Riding Safety

As part of a project involving horses on the road, Humberside Police are carrying out a pass wide and slow campaign ride along the B1230 between Newport and Gilberdyke to raise awareness for horses using the roads.

On Saturday 23rd November 2024 an event is being planned involving those from the equine community and Newport Parish Council. It is planned to involve local media and the local community. It is also open for people to walk or cycle also.

The event looks at riders split into groups of roughly around 6 riders, depending on numbers, with a safe gap between groups to allow traffic to pass safely also. It will hopefully look at educating everyone on how to pass wide and slow, the impacts an accident or near miss could have and educate that manners and respect is a two way street and aim to make the roads safer for all.

The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner is also engaged.

Beth Walker PC 2926