Newport Primary School – Published Admission Number (PAN)

School admission arrangements for the 2023-24 school year

The demographics of Newport have changed over recent years where the population in the village has without doubt got a lot younger in general and more families have moved in to the affordable good sized small and larger family homes. In comparison the housing in Newport is slightly more affordable than other villages in the local area, the reputation of the school and the local amenities in the area means that it is now a desired area, with quite a fast turn over of properties when one comes up for sale or rent. Before and after school provision that is offered by the school also makes it more viable and sought after for our working parents and as the costs are reasonable it means that it is accessible for most families.

One of the reasons the East Riding of Yorkshire Council are addressing the need for more facilities for the younger population of the village is due to the increased demand. The pre-school is in demand and local nurseries like Nurture naturally also have good numbers. Historically, we have lost Newport children to other schools due to their reputations, but this has certainly changed in the last 5 years. 

As a community school, the admission authority for Newport Primary School is East Riding of Yorkshire Council.  Each year admission authorities review the admission arrangements for their schools, and then formally set – or ‘determine’ – these arrangements.  Admission arrangements include the number of places made available for Reception – called the published admission number – as well as how preferences for places will be considered if there are more preferences than places available – called the oversubscription criteria.  Together these details are sometimes known as the ‘admissions policy’. 

If an admission authority wants to make any changes to their admission arrangements, the admission authority must consult on any proposed changes to those arrangements before determining the arrangements.  Even where changes are not proposed, a consultation must take place at least every seven years.

As some changes are proposed this year, between Tuesday 2 November and Tuesday 14 December, the Council is consulting on the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for the 2023-24 school year.  All these draft arrangements are available online at:

Whilst the vast majority of the admission arrangements for 2023-24 are procedurally identical to those for previous years, five schools, including Newport Primary School, have requested a change to their admission number for the start of the 2023-24 school year.

The change proposed at Newport Primary School is to increase the admission number from 20 to 25.  If approved, this change would not come into force for the year group starting in September 2022, but only from September 2023.

During this period the East Riding of Yorkshire Council are interested in the views of any residents, schools, parents/carers or other interested parties, and would ask that all views be expressed via the online survey accessible from the page link above and also at: