Newport Parish Council Meeting

The next Newport Parish Council meeting is at Newport Primary School (The Hall entrance) at 7pm on Tuesday 12th November 2024 – all village residents are welcome. Access to the meeting room is through the main gate on the Village Hall side of the school and to the rear of the building.    

Prior to the meeting, from 6.30pm Philip Lovel (Lovel Developments) and Jason Tait MRTPI Director, will be available to provide information with regards to the submitted plans for the Land North and East of Skilbeck Farm – Land at J38 Newport. All Cllrs, Ward Cllrs and any interested residents are invited to attend.

Public Forum – The Public Forum will commence at 7.00pm. The period designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public may only speak once and for no longer than 3 minutes.

The Agenda is available via the following link.