Newport Parish Council – Main Road Play Area Development

Following the purchase of land to the Main Road side of the current Play Area from the Environment Agency, Newport Parish Council are planning the further development of the Play Area and Village Green. The plan is to significantly increase the size of the Play Area and include 3 new pieces of equipment.

As the cost of the project will be in excess of £25,000 Newport Parish Council are inviting competitive tenders for the work. The tender document is available via the link below.

Newport Parish Council are advertising our intention to undertake the project work locally and nationally, so contractors/suppliers may offer their services and bid for the work. The tender will also be advertised on the Contract Finder website and Social media.

Residents are invited to make further suggestions on the equipment they would like to see in the play area. Currently we are considering a Teen Multi Play unit, an Inclusive Roundabout and a Cone Climber (Witches Hat) in addition to the existing equipment.

You are invited to provide feedback via Facebook messenger ( ) or by Email to Please can any further comments be submitted by 23rd August 2024.