Residents are warmly invited to attend the Newport Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 at Newport Primary School (The Hall entrance) at 6pm – all village residents are welcome.
Individuals from each of the Newport Community Groups will have the opportunity to share with local residents details of the activities undertaken by their group over the last year and planned for the coming year. I have included some further information below with regards to the relevant legislation. This meeting only hears and meets the business of the electors.
The Annual Parish meeting is a meeting held of the electors. Local Government Act 1972 14 (1) states the Parish meeting of a parish shall assemble annually on some day between the 1st March and the 1st June. It is not a Council meeting, it does not act on issues or items of the Parish Council. Only electors on the electoral register can vote on any item at this meeting.
The Agenda has to be sent out with 7 working days’ notice is chaired by the chairman of the Parish Council. The parish having a separate Parish Council means that the chairman of the Parish Council shall preside. (Local Government Act 1972 16 & 17 (1) & (2)) A question can be asked by the voters or a poll called. (Local Government Act 1972 18 (1-6))
The Newport Annual Council Meeting will take place on the same evening starting at 7.15pm.
Access to the meeting room is through the main gate on the Village Hall side of the school and to the rear of the building.
Public Forum – The Public Forum will commence at 7.00pm. The period designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public may only speak once and for no longer than 3 minutes. Please see Appendix 1 below for further information.