What is the Local Plan?
The East Riding Local Plan sets out the scale, location and infrastucture requirements of new development for
uses such as housing, employment and open space over the next 15 years.
The Local Plan sets out planning policies for the area and is a key driver in determining planning applications
and development opportunities in the East Riding. The current Local Plan was adopted in 2016.
What is this consultation?
This is a consultation on an update to the adopted East Riding Local Plan, not an entirely new plan.
Therefore a number of policies and site allocations remain largely unchanged.
This is the second stage of the Local Plan Update following the Options consultation and
‘call for sites’ that took place in 2018. This consultation considers the first full draft of a new
East Riding Local Plan. The three consultation documents are:
Draft Strategy Document Update (2021);
Draft Allocations Document Update (2021); and
Draft Policies Map Update (2021);
These consultation documents are available to view on the Draft Local Plan Update consultation
webpage: www.eastriding.gov.uk/localplanupdate
A number of other documents have been published alongside these documents including a
Sustainability Appraisal incorporating site assessments, along with background papers and studies
that form part of the Plan’s evidence base.