About Newport Parish Council

Newport Parish Council holds a monthly meeting except in August during members’ recess.  An agenda with details of the business to be considered by the Parish Council is published three clear working days (excluding Sundays), before each meeting.

Meetings are open to members of the public who may wish to attend.  At each Parish Council meeting there is a public forum when residents are given an opportunity to speak about local issues.

The Parish Council has a range of powers and duties which impact directly upon the local community.  These include but are not limited to, responsibility for burial grounds, bus shelters, public seats and clocks.  The acquisition and sale of land, provision of litter bins, consultation in relation to local planning applications, provision of recreation grounds, the maintenance of war memorials and traffic calming.

Newport shares its Parish boundary with six other Parishes, Gilberdyke along its western boundary, Holme on Spalding Moor and Hotham to the North, North Cave to the East, Broomfleet and Blacktoft to the South.

Newport Parish Map