Free activities in the Christmas holidays for children and young people

ERYC are into the second year of a 3-year Department for Education funded programme which enables children and young people who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals who attend an East Riding school to eat healthily and be active during the school holidays.  There are over 20 Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) delivery partners organising fun activities across the East Riding during the Christmas holidays, with sessions lasting at least 4 hours and a meal is provided for each participant too.  All of the programmes are inclusive, but HAF also offer a specific programme of activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Attached are some flyers of all the programmes that are taking place across the county. 

If parents and carers see something they feel their child will enjoy, all they have to do is get in touch with the provider to secure their child’s place.  All East Riding pupils in receipt of benefits related free school meals are able to attend a maximum of 4 activities for free in the Christmas holidays and there are also a limited number of places available to children and young people who have an Education, Health and Care plan regardless of their financial situation. 

For more information please contact Vicky JudeHoliday Activities and Food Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Officer, Children and Young People’s Specialist Services, Children, Families and Schools
:  07726466555

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