ERYC Help and support for households across the East Riding with the cost of living

East Riding of Yorkshire Council have set up a dedicated one-stop website which is now available at:

Cost of living – help for households (

Please see the leaflet via the link below

Information about support, advice and help together with sign-posting is currently arranged under seven headings to enable residents to find relevant information as easily as possible. These are:

HandsUrgent help when in need – services that provide financial advice, emergency payments and mental health support.

Pound signHelp with household bills – benefits, Household Support Fund, food banks, help with energy costs. Broadband deals, and budgeting advice for homeowners and low income households.

FamilySupport for families with children – free school meals, school clothing grant, help with childcare costs, and maternity grants for families with children.

Older peopleOlder people – pension advice, additional winter benefits, free TV licence information, and financial guidance for older people.

Pound signSupport for tenants and low income households – benefits and financial support for tenants and low income households such as Universal Credit, Housing benefit, Council Tax payment support and the council’s Emergency Assistance Scheme.

Disability servicesDisability services and adult care – disabled facilities grant, Blue Badge application, government benefits and adult social care information.

CalculatorDebt and money – budgeting advice and financial guidance from the council, the government, community services, and charities.

This information spans current available provision from the government, partners and our own services. New additional provisions and routes of access are being added as soon as they become available to our residents.

Residents without access to the internet and in need of help can contact the council on: (01482) 393939.