East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership and East Riding’s Safeguarding Adults Board Safeguarding Week 19th to the 23rd of June 2023

Attached is the full programme of events available across the week. We have worked with regional colleagues to provide a comprehensive mix of events and topics to choose from which are relevant to safeguarding children and families. A few events will not require booking, however the majority will require booking by opening up the link on the attached programme. This will take you through to Eventbrite for you to reserve a free place on the courses you choose.  

The road and cycling event with children and families is a free drop in and aims to offer advice including cycling safety with the hope of reducing injury and head trauma. 

We have a number of spaces still left for the Barnardo’s Parents as Safeguarding Partner’s event,  

Spaces are also available for Humberside Police online safety (POLIT) and ERVAS think family approach to safeguarding.